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Main shit - the best the newest and the most realistic - all about DtZ ! :>

Canonoic photo.
A must-see to find out what I'm like

2025 Jan country misc

2024 Trip to Pyatnica

2019 country misc

2018, a trip to Ukraine
Prisluch of Rovensky District
Eagles' Nest Castle, Rovensky district
Rovno Nuclear Station
Svityaz lake

Summer house
Winter house

2006 , suddenly!
View from the roof of my house near MKAD

IBM 49p model 240
OccupyAbay (20120513) few fotos and walking with Writers...  OccupyAbay (20120512) few fotos
Meeting of Bolotnaya'2012-3 (May 6) square
White Ring of Moscow (Mayakovaskaya) against falsification of elections
2011, upd! Saharova 'Dec 2011
2012 Meeting of Bolotnaya'2012 square against falsification of elections
2011 Meeting of Bolotnaya'2011 square against falsification of elections
I pissed on the "Dom 2" TV project's fence
Dachka at winter

2008 Season Dachka
..more.. The Ass of the world

2007 Season Krasnodar region of Russia - the Black sea
The construction of GSM station in Polushkino (Moscow region) by Megafon GSM (April)
The deconstruction of Hrushevkas (5 floors buildings)
May'2007 on Moscow River near Polushkino
2007 Views on Moscow from Merida Kalahari bycicle

Jan'2007. Trip to the earl's manor The story in russian, but there are photos from the manor and the monastery of 16th century ~100 km west from Moscow.
Meeting "The March of dissentient" Dec'16 2006
Village house 2006: March April May Jun ...more Jun flowers.. ..Jul on the Ozerna lake.. ..August on the Ozerna lake.. Sep

2006 Trip to Kimry town

2006 Misc

2005 December

2005 Autumn

2005 Owl!

2005 Country in spring

2005 Some unindentified birds.

2005 Meeting for liberation of Khodorkovsky.

2005 Misc.

2002: archive foto - 2002 (?) trip to Pirogovo lake with my Fidonet friends.

2004 Winter Russia on my village house.

2004 - the Orange revolution in Kiew. Just watch

most of my life I spend currently with my ex-groupmates from RSUH.RU (Russian State University for Hummanitarians. You can see the related stuff here

Currently (nov 2004) I look like that
2004 My mother's flat - the view of moscow and the flowers (made by Sony 717)

2004 Autumn dacha ... again and again

2004 09 24 Alexandr Laertsky fotos

2004 Summer

A bit fotos from Crimea

Vita & Olga 2004, leaving us

Vita & Olga 2004

Rsux 2004

Konakovo 2004

2004: In my publishing house   Part II

2004: On my willage house again ..and again ..and again

2004: Moving my office

2004: Office and dacha

2004: Virtual tour to my house

2003: Plaxino,Moscow channel and all

Some our pointovka's fotos (2001 or 2002? 2002 I suppose):
Left ro right: me (/730), Belkoff (/730.14), Sergey Tsvetkov (.666),Zay (aka Nut) and some girl from /770.x
Right to left: Sergey Tsvetkov,some girl from /770.x, Slava Belkoff, Ulyana, do-not-know-who-from-1770,Zay (sitting), Pavel I.Osipov, someonefrom/770 and my hand on the left

Winter 2002: office on Arbat and around

2002 - Fidopoika in Sokolniki

Summer 2002 - journings over Moscow and Tver regions. Forests, ha-ha.

January 12, 2001 - Margo's birthday (Margo, myself, Mita and others...)

January 2001 - A couple of photos of Dolly & myself.

January 2001 - Pictures from a vobla-eating party at PB's place

Photos of our Millenium celebration Here

Different unsorted 2000 photos (no me on these).

Marina Otenko & Armen Grigoryan... Rules forever!!!
The notorious Motalova with ustaya tvar
Is Margo Tori Amos, or not???
Margo in Unboring garden
Margo.. The coolest dendrophil!!!All the trees must be aware of her!!!!
...No, Margo is NOT Tori Amos
Attributes of Motalova's Derevnya
Matasik aka Natashka aka Chara (careful: BIG photo)
Take two: Chara aka Natashka aka Matasik
Sonny As He Is
Sonny As He Does ;-)
The Sphinx of Fontanka Bridge
The Sphinx of .....er-rrr...
The Sphinx. No comments necessary. ;-)

Pushkin's birthday - 2000

Pushkin & Ksju
Me, somewhat drunk
Me & Margo
Me & Margo (how it began)

Some old RSUX photos

Jonhson, Ann and Me (Winter 1999/2000) (well-drunked)
My groupmates, a Long-Long time ago when we were young (no me on this photo)
Egor and Vita, RSUX

January 2000: Meeting of points of fidonet nodes 2:5020/730 and 2:5020/770
("pointovka" ;-))))

/730+/770: Love forevah!
...and AGAIN!!!

Great Photo from Deepest mind of Mita Mixeev - thats's me with a lot of CKOTuHA's (SCO OpenServers)

Our trip to Pirogovo's lake (July 1999).
There is no me on these photos, but they are really fun.

A group photo (with me, BTW)
... 1
... 2
... 3

Experience Ann :-)
... and Ann's pet RACOON!
Unsorted photos - 1998

Mita (/730.40), Pavel Osipov (/770), Me (/730) & Dolly
Lots of photos from Pavel Ospov's archive (Pavel, me, Vadik Likholetov, etc.) (see 770p11 now!)

Summer 1998. Trip to Karpath & Sevastopol (Crimea).

Me & Dolly. Sevastopol
Me on the seaside, Sevastopol.
Seaside, Sevastopol.
Lookin'for'the way. Sevastopol.
Sevastopol. Evening. Beer.
Karpath mountains. Washing a dish. Rain. Smoke.
Karpath mountains.
Kiev. Riding an elephant
Me, some people from Rovno, Karpathian Rescue Ranger, Volovets
Me, Dolly and her Karpathian friend ;-). Karpath mountains
Ann, brother of Kath Rasta and his girlfriend. Karpaths

Specific Section.

Me, Lili and Inka. Kiev '97
Lili '97
Katherine at my birthday. Moscow, DF, '97

Unsorted photos - 1997.

Anthony Labunsky & Pushkin at my birthday. Moscow, DF

Trip to Karpath mountains - 1997

Our company (w/o me): Vlad from Slovakia, Svetka, etc.
Karpath mountains, landscape
Dolly at the tree. Karpath
Me at the train (Kiev-Lviv)
... (removed by Dolly's request) Dolly naked, Karpath '97
Me naked, Karpath '97

20181231 Long-awaited FAQ
20170103 SBC Atmega8 + RCA1802 / CDP1802 CPU launched
20141128 Gopher server launched
20141022 2006 Fotos from the roof of my house
20140701 New artwork: "I am stoling Robotron 1715 PC from MESI" for my robotron pages
20140616 Update: 68008 computer by me
20020601 Redesign of my homepage. Still wondering, what's for?
© DtZ 2002 - 2006, 2037