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Main shit - the best the newest and the most realistic - all about DtZ ! :>
Painting in xpaint//paintprush is my favourite way of wasting time. Here the expamples. Sorry, most of commentaries in russian
Winny the Poo
Winny the Poo: "Is thats ME who feels fine???"
Lenin Hills (district in Moscow)
Antartic expedition meets pingiun tribe
Programmer and Jesus Christ
Rabbits in Kentucky
That's about my company (www.undersky.ru)
I had an awful dream about Lenin
My boss and me visits our client (pen drawen)
SummerPiss 2004
WinterPiss 2004/2005
Aztec's Crocodile
Tsar Muldon is crossing Don 2008
I am stealing Robotron 1715 from MESI 2014 INCOLOR